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Repurpose your old iPod

Lifehacker has this post on 'repurposing' your old iPod. Personally I think that's a great idea, if indeed you have an old iPod hanging around.

I'd often thought about getting a 3rd generation ipod to use pd Anywhere on, but like many projects it has stayed in my head. Maybe I'll go and look on eBay now and see if there are any going cheap!

On a more serious note though, I think that the whole 'repurpose' or reuse idea will take off far more in 2009 as it is probably fair to say that people might have a bit less cash next year. Repurposing older technology and making new things from old is an excellent way of discovering what devices can do, and of course in many circumstances discovering what will make them cease to function. Of course that's just the price you pay for tinkering or circuit bending or whatever you want to call it.

Anyway, perhaps we'll look at some more repurposing projects and see how much fun can be had in reusing old technology.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:10 pm

    You should do more on old stuff and how to breathe new life into it.


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