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SunVox 1.1 video

I thought this might be useful. A little video about a couple of new things in SunVox.

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  1. Anonymous8:54 pm

    What were they running on?

  2. These apps were running in Palm OS on a Palm Treo 650. I hope that helps.

  3. nice video, it's a good demo of how to have an endless supply of synth-tones for Bhajis!

    you should post a link to this video in the Sunvox thread at Bhajis Garden, to show folks how the apps can work together

  4. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Does the treo 650 cope well with sunvox? I think 400mhz is what night radio recommends as a minimum for "normal use". Any issues on that hardware as sequences get more complex? Interested since you seem to be triggering notes via the qwerty at an impressive latency in the vid.


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