iPhone App Directory

Noise.IO Synth

Noise IO was originally due out in August, then September, and here we are in mid-October. People on the forum are constantly asking where it is and how much.

You can actually buy a t-shirt with the Noise IO logo on it (nice logo by the way), but not the app as yet.

Let's hope it gets here really soon.


  1. Anonymous12:07 pm

    Very, very soon! I promise :-)

    Ilya Tretiakov, of the Noise.io creators :-)

    Amidio inc.

  2. There was some discussion a while back about noise.io pricing. Looks like they have settled on an introductory price of $9.99, and they listened to a lot of input from their forum in this process.

    They also mention a cheaper version with no preset editor.


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