iPhone App Directory

My mistake: StyleTap is going to be on iPhone

Thanks to Bob for this correction to my earlier post:
I think there may be a misunderstanding.

There will be StyleTap for iPhone no matter what. The only question is whether there will be a version that is built using the official Apple SDK and available through Apple's App Store or whether it will only be available from StyleTap for jailbroken devices.


So the questioin is, would you jail break your iPhone to run Palm apps on it?


  1. "would you jail break your iPhone to run Palm apps on it?"

    in an instant!!

  2. I'd like it to work on an iPod Touch without jailbreaking. On the other hand, iPhone app development has just begun and seems to be going well. In a year, maybe we won't even be interested in Palm apps anymore.

  3. I think I agree. I'd like to be able to run a selection of Palm OS apps on the iPhone, but I don't think I'd like to go down the jailbreak route.


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