iPhone App Directory

More comments on the iPhone platform

Interesting comments on the iPhone as a platform ...
Hi! IMO despite the hype, the iPhone platform is a non-starter for "serious" applications at the moment, mainly due to the T&C in the SDK license. This is going to stop serious apps from being brought to the platform, until (if?) Apple sorts it all out. The sandboxing issue is the other huge problem for audio/video tools. What about Android? Not until they allow you to write/deploy 3rd party apps in C++... Windows Mobile and Symbian is where to stick for now; open platforms that let software happen.

I think that this is fair comment, and I have to admit that I didn't put an option on the latest poll for "I will not be buying either device", which really I should have done.

Interestingly, I know next to nothing about Symbian music apps, except that Mixtikl is being developed for that platform and I think Syntrax too.

If anyone has more information on Symbian apps please do let me know.


  1. Anonymous5:44 pm

    Mixtikl V3 was created for Symbian Series 60 2/3, UIQ 2/3, Windows Mobile and Windows desktop. Though, of course, Tao never got around to releasing it before they folded!
    We here at Intermorphic think that Series 60 is a great target platform for Mixtikl; lets see how we get on. :)

  2. Could you give me any pointers on good S60 devices?


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