iPhone App Directory

What other stuff will app store deliver?

Ok. This is a sort of off topic kind of post, but it has been on my mind for a day or two. With Windows Mobile and Palm OS there are lots of applications covering almost everything you could possible want to do, from business and productivity applications, to music multimedia applications.

So, when the Apple app store opens up, just how many applications will there be available for the iPhone, and what kinds of thing will they do? Obviously, the kinds of things I'd like to see would be music related applications, but also, media related stuff like an iMovie type app, or something like TrakAx Mobile for the iPhone.

Aside from audio and visual applications I'd like to see the regular stuff too, like a decent blogging app, and something I can use to make lists and handle documents etc.

What it comes down to in the end thought is getting to that ideal one device that really does do everything. Will it be the iPhone? I don't know, I wish it could be, but intuitively I can't see it.

TUAW has a very interesting post on why you shouldn't buy the iPhone on Friday, and whilst I don't think that those will be my reasons, it does make me wonder what else I'd do with the iPhone.

I think I will be waiting to see what they come up with before I jump in.

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