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XY Control Surface coming for miniMixa

I do like XY controls. This one might be bluetooth enabled allowing real interaction. Sounds like a wonderful idea! Here's what the colartz blog says about it:

"3GSM gets ever closer (next week now), and I am planning to show a new addition to miniMIXA - an XY control surface in the beta FXM Editor module. This allows you XY control of e.g. a high quality low pass filter on an audio loop or a modular (or even MIDI!) synth line - huge fun for a live mix. The FX chain (including the filter) can also include e.g. a stereo delay or reverb, so the whole sound is rather spectacular, and really cool to play with.

Not only is this something that I am going to show at the Tao buses (where Tao is showing its GamePlayer), but I also hope to do a small live demo at the Tao party - mobile music mixing, with audience participation, over bluetooth. Not being a “live performer” I am hoping the technology all works on the night"

I do hope there's some video of this demo, it will be excellent to watch.

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