iPhone App Directory

BtBx update

A little while ago there was a lot of discussion around posting of app updates, but I decided to post this one as it took me by surprise. BtBx has been updated with new kits and a lower latency engine.

So, why did it take me by surprise? Mainly because I thought that this app had been long forgotten. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see an update to it, but I just wasn't expecting it at all.

BtBx at the app store:

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1 comment:

Sami said...

Yes, a nice surprise indeed. I too had thought the app long dead and buried. Btbx was fun, but the inability to save was a serious flaw. Now it's back in competition. In fact, it's so nice that I have spent my whole day of vacation playing with it... Too bad that the update destroyed the long-perfected song I had been storing in BtBx.